Stay Healthy and Sane During the Holidays With These 12 Mindful Tips

The holidays are a great opportunity to unwind and enjoy time with our loved ones. But let’s face it – this wonderful time of year can get stressful for even the most zen of us. 

In the midst of trying to wrap up work projects before the end of year, getting the house ready for family visits, or planning a holiday trip, our mindfulness muscles can easily get tested.

It may seem like all the holiday parties and get-togethers are out to steer you away from the course towards embodying the healthiest version of yourself. But don’t worry, there are several simple things you can do to have fun and truly enjoy this time of year without sacrificing your own needs.

Honor your self-care needs first

It can be hard to honor your self-care routines when you’re traveling or going to holiday parties. Here are some tips to help you stay focused on your wellness even as you’re enjoying those gleeful moments. 

1. Remember your best vision of yourself

The best way to stick to healthy habits or avoid making choices you may later regret is to have a strong “why.” Why do you want to stick to healthy habits like eating nourishing foods, exercising, or practicing mindfulness? You’re probably in it for the lasting benefits to your well-being like:

  • A strong and vibrant body. 

  • A clear and focused mind. 

  • The energy to do the work you love or spend time with loved ones without feeling drained. 

Do you have a crystal-clear vision of who you want to be and what you want your life to look like? If not, perhaps write out some thoughts and create a list. Put the list somewhere you can easily see during the holidays so it can always remind you of your long-term goals. 

Reflect on how to put yourself first with this free downloadMy Time to Shine: Find Greater Meaning and Purpose Through Stress Management and Mindfulness”

2. Make your morning routine non-negotiable

What you do in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you set clear intentions first thing in the morning, it makes the rest of your day much easier. Create a quarterly and a weekly to do-list. Then use this to structure out your days and get started on a productive morning routine. If you fall away from your routine, gently smile at yourself and try again. This is all simply a practice! 

3. Get creative when going on a holiday or staying with family

List all the self-care routines that are important to you. Get creative with ways to honor them. Maybe you’re going on a vacation and won’t have access to a gym or workout areas. Buy some mini-bands and find Youtube videos that you could do from even your aunt’s living room. Consider asking family or friends to join you and make it a fun family exercise! 

Want to stick to your morning meditations in a house full of kids? Consider getting up earlier and meditating in a common area before everyone else wakes up. Explore if meditating at a different time of day could perhaps bring new insights.

4. Make time for yourself when you need it

If you need at least some quiet time in your life, it can be hard to decompress with other people always around. Don’t feel guilty about taking some me-time away from others. Go for a walk alone. Go to a nearby coffee shop to read your favorite novel. 

Let others know you love them and can’t wait to hang out with them, but that you simply need some time to clear your head. They will understand and will most likely be more encouraging and supportive than you think.

5. Practice self-compassion even when you skip a day

Even though you may try to stick to all of your healthy routines, there might be days when it’s just too difficult. That’s ok. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Recognize that tomorrow is a new day. Show yourself some self-compassion. 

Remember that you are learning as you go. Keep the vision of who you want to be in mind and be thankful for moving closer to it every day.

Increase your self compassion with this mediation, “The Loving Kindness Meditation for Beginners”.

Handle the Holiday Rush With Grace

6. Shift your perspective to lighten the load off your to-do list

One of the reasons we get stressed is because we lose sight of the ultimate reason we do the things we do. Sure, scrubbing the bathroom or washing a sink full of dishes might feel like a nuisance. And finding the perfect holiday gift for your partner or coworker can take way longer than you planned.

So, to prevent yourself from feeling stressed or overwhelmed by these, take a moment to breathe and connect with yourself. What’s the ultimate desire underneath all this activity? The feeling of reuniting and reconnecting with your loved ones. 

Turn these tasks into opportunities to feel gratitude. Be grateful for having family, friends, or coworkers that you can share these special moments with. 

7. Notice your own expectations and adjust as needed

Have you ever experienced a “perfect” holiday where nothing went wrong? Probably not. This is part of the joy of the human experience. It’s also a great mindfulness exercise in simply being with ‘what is’ without feeling the need for things to be different.

Become mindful of your expectations – of yourself and others. Know that things might go wrong. You might not get everything on your list done. But that’s ok.  

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Recognize that even if you don’t get everything on your list done, your family and friends will still love you for exactly who you are.

8. Practice time management and plan ahead

Whenever you can plan ahead, do so. Make a list of the most time-consuming tasks you need to do and schedule them out in advance. Give yourself enough time to complete everything so you can relax and truly enjoy the holiday spirit. 

Hold yourself accountable for completing tasks by a predetermined deadline or share the calendar with a partner or friend to keep you accountable. If you need help from others, ask for it ahead of time so they don’t feel pressured to do everything at the last minute.

Navigate difficult family interactions smoothly

9. Be compassionate but firm with difficult family members

Perhaps you have relatives like good ol’ uncle Eddie from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. You know the love them but spending more than a few days around them becomes a test of your own sanity.

So how do you meet them with compassion without compromising your needs? By setting boundaries. Your time and energy are valuable. Realize that not putting your needs first and trying to please everyone – even if they’re part of your family – will only lead to resentment. 

Don’t be afraid to clearly express your needs and desires. This will help you feel more confident and centered – not just around the holidays but as you go through life. 

10. Don’t feel obligated to say yes to everything

An essential part of self-care is honoring your own needs and desires. Boundaries are incredibly important in reducing stress. When you don’t feel like going to a holiday party or you don’t want to stay out late so you can wake up early, let your family and friends know without feeling the need to explain why.

Remember that when you feel energized and take care of yourself, you’ll be able to give from a true space of rest and abundance. The holidays, after all, are a time of rest just as much as they are a time of gathering. So honor the balance for both in your life.

Here are 5 Easy Ways to Set Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty.

11. Trade judgement for compassion

At some point during the holiday season, you may feel judged or condemned by family members who have a different opinion than you on an important matter. Certain conversations can trigger uncomfortable emotions or self-defensiveness. With mindfulness, you can shift your perspective so these heated discussions don’t disturb your inner peace.

Find the common humanity between you and the other person. Realize that we all want to feel happy and loved. We’ve all struggled in one way or another during this pandemic. We’re all doing our best, although everyone expresses this differently.

If someone has fears about their own life, they’re likely to project them unto you. Being aware of these human tendencies makes it much easier to not take things so personally. This allows you to lighten up and enjoy interactions on a deeper, more soulful level.

12. Practice mindfulness amidst the holidays

While you can’t always control what happens around you or what others say, you can control your reaction. This is where your mindfulness practice can prove invaluable. 

Rather than allowing your mind to react to whatever’s happening with judgement, self-defense or fear, introduce a mindful pause. 

Take a deep breath and recognize the mental patterns that may be causing uncomfortable feelings. Notice if you can sit with them without pushing them away. Perhaps try to label the various thoughts and their interconnected emotions. You may be surprised to see how creating this space within yourself will actually transform the situations around you.

Want to give yourself or a loved one the gift of less stress and more relief this holiday season?

Shop our gift certificates today for deals on learning Mindfulness or working with a Stress Management Mentor!


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